Zetasizer Advance Series User Guide (English)
版本号: MAN0592-15-EN
马尔文帕纳科全新 Zetasizer Advance – 适用于每个应用的 DLS – 迎接全新 Zetasizer 系列产品!. 了解更多
了解更多即使作为入门级纳米粒度及Zeta电位分析仪,Zetasizer Lab 的功能也不容小觑。 Zetasizer Lab 采用经典动态光散射(90°),包含"自适应相关"算法、M3-PALS 和恒流 Zeta 模式。 Zetasizer Lab 还随附 ZS Xplorer,这是一款易于使用的分析软件,提供有关数据质量的实时反馈,以及如何改进结果的指导。
版本号: MAN0592-15-EN
版本号: MAN0593-10-EN
版本号: MAN0604-05-EN
版本号: MAN0593-08-ZH
版本号: MAN0593-08-JA
版本号: MAN0593-06-FR
版本号: 07
版本号: MAN0593-05-EN
ZS Xplorer 4.0.0 is the first version to support the new Zetasizer Sample Assistant automated particle size and Zeta potential sample changer. Small updates to Smart Manager components are also included.
Please Note: OmniTrust (regulated environment) users will not be able to access Sample Assistant as the feature does not currently support OmniTrust.
See SUN for full details.
ZS Xplorer version 3.3 extends OmniTrust support to the Studies features of the main application. Previously OmniTrust users were prevented from accessing Studies to prevent un-audited events. From 3.3 OmniTrust users can now access Studies for Molecular Weight and associated parameters with permissions and auditing of events within the Studies features.
Note that Studies by their nature are intended for advanced users and to be flexible in their analysis. Users not requiring Studies features can still prevent access to these features using permissions in OmniAccess.
Version 3.3 also addresses a few minor bug fixes.
See SUN for full details.
ZS Xplorer 3.2.2 has the following updates:
Software re-branded to Malvern Panalytical brand
Minor bug fixes - one of which may have prevented instrument connection
Bug fix for OmniTrust users that meant editing of records was possible, even when user permission for this action was disabled (recommended update for OmniTrust users currently on ZS Xplorer 3.2.1.)
Updated Toluene calibration routine to prevent incorrect reporting of issues with calibration.
See SUN for full details.
ZS Xplorer 3.2.1 adds Smart Instrument enrollment - the first step in bringing Zetasizer into Malvern Panalytical's Smart Manager services.
Several installer improvements have been made to reduce ZS Xplorer requirements around .NET and WebView2 components.
We have also added ability to edit peak thresholds for size measurements and refinements on CSV exporting from parameter tables.
See SUN for full details.
ZS Xplorer version 3.2.0 adds upper and lower display range configuration for Size/MADLS & Particle Concentration measurements.
Introduces Data Quality Advice for MADLS & Particle Concentration measurements.
Adds further Trend analysis improvements and bug fixes.
Extends Japanese and Chinese localization to Studies and Data Quality Advice.
Adds speed and robustness improvements to Scattering standard measurements.
Other improvements and bug fixes.
See SUN for full details.
ZS Xplorer version 3.1.0 extends studies and concentration trend measurements to support the Zetasizer Advance Lab models and also adds the capability to perform concentration trends in either back or side scatter on Zetasizer Advance Ultra models. Concentration trends also now supports setting of measurement temperature and adds display of R2 value to tables and graphs.
Exporting of data to CSV file from graphs and tables in Concentration trends and from Parameter and Statistic tables in Analyze views has been introduced.
Data quality advice for Zeta potential measurements has been further refined to provide users with better diagnosis of sample/measurement issues.
Exporting a study now provides an option to include the results data for transfer of the complete study between data repositories.
Various bug fixes, see software update notification for details.
ZS Xplorer version 3.0.0 introduces studies and concentration trend measurements for the determination of molecular weight by static light scattering and kD by dynamic light scattering. Note: This first release does not support Zetasizer Lab or OmniTrust users. Auto averaging for Zeta, MADLS and Particle concentration has also been added along with other quality of life features and bug fixes. See SUN for details.
ZS Xplorer version 2.3.1 introduces post-analysis averaging for Zeta, Particle Concentration and MADLS size measurements. Zeta mobility parameters and graphs have
been added, as well as a count rate meter and
localization for Chinese (Simplified) and Japanese language support.
Important: This version supports OmniTrust 1.4.0; OmniTrust users should upgrade their installation to 1.4 if upgrading to ZS Xplorer 2.3.1.
ZS Xplorer version 2.3.0 introduces post analysis averaging for Zeta, Particle Concentration and MADLS size measurements. Zeta mobility parameters and graphs have also been added, as well as a count rate meter.
Important: This version supports OmniTrust 1.4.0; OmniTrust users should upgrade their installation to 1.4 if upgrading to ZS Xplorer 2.3.0.
More information can be found in the Release and Installation Notes.
More information can be found in the Release and Installation Notes.
Zetasizer Advance 系列的新配件 - 智能样品助手,将显著提高您的系统利用率。帮助实验人员告别枯燥重复的手动更换样品测试。
结果如何?您可以更加高效地获得与和 Zetasizer Advance 系列同样出色的数据质量。
MPT-3是Zetasizer Advance 系列的一款性价比高的配件,用于自动测定Zeta电位和/或尺寸与pH的比值,帮助您了解材料随pH值的变化规律。
胶体和分子的zeta电位对于一个测量样品池中前一次使用的样品成分所造成的污染非常敏感。 使用可抛弃性样品池能够完消除这种潜在的污染问题。
样品量最小3 µL,可以扩展Zetasizer Ultra的粒度测量范围,无需考虑分散剂与密度的匹配。
利用高浓度样品池Zetasizer Advance系统可以在少量或不稀释的条件下测量样品的zeta电位。
该样品池具有流动模式,可使用MPT- 3自动滴定仪进行流动控制,用于截流状态下粒度和zeta电位测量,以及批量测量。
当您购买了马尔文帕纳科产品,我们明白,这仅是建立工作关系的第一步,而这种关系将伴随仪器的整个使用寿命。 根据您的需要,为您的业务提供支持。
适用于仪器需要正常长时间运行且保持高性能的实验室。 一旦不幸发生事故,我们的最高级别响应以及“全包式”定价计划将涵盖这些意外维修的费用。
保持仪器效率,以提高实验室的生产率。 仍然能够得到优先响应,加上专家级的技术和软件支持,使您的仪器保持高性能。
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