在 Malvern Panalytical,我们出色的产品、员工和流程受到嘉奖,对此我们倍感自豪,它们能够帮助全球各行各业和大小企业。
2024 awards
Our awards and achievements in 2024

Intelligent Manufacturing Award 2024
Malvern Panalytical won the Microsoft Intelligent Manufacturing Award 2024, in the ‘Scale’ category, for its Smart Return Agriculture technology.
The solution was acknowledged for its potential to positively impact the environment through the agriculture sector, by adopting data analysis and state of the art technologies; Helping the world to become cleaner, healthier and more productive.

Good Design Award: Nanosight Pro
Good Design Awards 2024
We're delighted to announce that the NanoSight Pro has been awarded a Good Design Award! This award recognizes the successful collaboration between Malvern Panalytical and our product design partners DCA Design International. Together, we've created the highest quality, instantly-accessible scientific instrument, wrapped in elegant Malvern Panalytical branding.
2023 年获得的奖项
我们在 2023 年获得的奖项和成就

Equality Trailblazer
British Chamber of Commerce Regional Awards 2023
Recognizing the efforts that Malvern Panalytical put into equality for our global teams, we were very proud to receive the Equality Trailblazer award. ‘People’ are one of our four focus areas - because our people are what makes Malvern Panalytical such a special place to work.

Employer of the Year
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce Awards 2023
Our continued efforts to make Malvern Panalytical a great place to work landed us the fantastic Employer of the Year Award for 2023! A big thank you to our teams who have helped shape our company - a proud achievement for us all. You can take a look at our current career opportunities here.

Business of the Year
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce Awards 2023
Malvern Panalytical was thrilled to receive the Business of the Year award! With some stiff competition, the award is a testament to the hard work and commitment of our global teams in our continuing journey.

Epsilon 1 Award for Sustainable Solutions
CARS&MRE Excellence in Innovation Awards
Our X-ray analyzer, Epsilon 1, has received the 2023 Recognition Award for Sustainable Solutions, standing out for its exceptional accuracy and integrity. The award showcases our commitment to sustainability in the catalytic converter industry.

Mastersizer 3000 铂金质量印章
全球科学社区给出的良好反馈和评价让我们的 Mastersizer 3000 激光衍射颗粒粒度分析仪获得了铂金质量印章!这反映了超过 200 条评价和 4.6 的平均得分(满分为 5 分)。
2022 年获得的奖项
我们在 2022 年获得的奖项和成就

2022 年年度最佳分析科学公司
SelectScience 读者在“评论家之选大奖”中将 Malvern Panalytical 评为“2022 年年度最佳分析科学公司”。我们的全球团队很荣幸能够致力于构建并支持我们受到认可的技术。

2022 年赫里福德郡和伍斯特郡商会奖
表彰最好的当地企业!Malvern Panalytical 很荣幸凭借在推动更加可持续的未来方面的努力和所取得的成就摘得 2022 年卓越可持续性奖。
2021 年获得的奖项
我们在 2021 年获得的奖项和成就
2021 年赫里福德郡和伍斯特郡商会奖(入围)
我们的 Zetasizer Advance 系列凭借提供突破性的研究支持入围候选名单。Malvern Panalytical 很自豪能够凭借 Zetasizer 系列为新冠肺炎疫苗研发以及制药领域的抗原检测器测试研发作出贡献。

2021 年赫里福德郡和伍斯特郡商会奖

2021 年赫里福德郡和伍斯特郡商会奖
Malvern Panalytical 当选年度最佳企业!这是公司每一员的辛勤工作和付出的最好证明,这是值得公司骄傲的一刻。
2020 年获得的奖项
我们在 2020 年获得的奖项和成就

流程技术专员 Toshihiko Miwa 很荣幸在日本粉体加工行业与工程协会 (APPIE) 秋季会议中获得“粉体行业性能奖”。

2020 年英国企业明星
Malvern Panalytical 很荣幸凭借新冠疫情爆发期间的超常付出被英国商会认定为“2022 年英国企业明星”!
2018 年获得的奖项
我们在 2018 年获得的奖项和成就

Zetasizer WT - 对现有技术最具创意的应用
首款商用在线 Zeta 电位分析仪 Zetasizer WT 获得英国水利产业给出的“对现有技术的最具创意的应用”门类排名第一位的殊荣——使用 Zeta 电位作为关键流程性能指标,实现整个水处理设施的混凝投药完全自动控制。

Design 2018 奖
新的 Morphologi 4 和 Morphologi 4-ID 发布后,我们得知这些系统获得了 iF(德国工业论坛)Design 2018 奖!我们在单一的综合平台将拉曼光谱和自动显微镜结合起来,打造优美而现代的外观。
2017 年获得的奖项
我们在 2017 年获得的奖项和成就

2017 年创新奖
The Medicine Maker
我们的 MicroCal PEAQ-DSC 获得 The Medicine Maker 颁发的“2017 年创新奖”。奖项表彰的焦点在于蛋白质和其他生物分子热稳定性的 PEAQ-DSC 表征。该系统随后可提供洞察,让我们深入了解哪些因素可以促进/破坏蛋白质、胶束复合物、核酸和大分子体系的稳定性。