Biophysical characterization on the front line

The pandemic has shone a spotlight on the need for biophysical characterization of key quality metrics related to the stability and interactions of biomolecules and complex molecular assemblies. Despite the challenges of the last year, I’ve been proud to witnessed how our products, services, and people have supported the fight to defeat COVID-19. This has been our contribution to the development of protein antigen- and mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines and antiviral drugs.

The most recent examples of our impact in this area are a collaboration on the stabilization and formulation development of COVID-19 vaccines and a compelling story shared by the World Street Journal featuring MicroCal DSC and Zetasizer Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) systems. Our role in supporting scientists while they develop vaccines and the medicines that cure us has never been more evident.

Here are just some of the ways in which we can help:

  • Finally, if you need a compliance-ready solution for vaccines development and manufacturing, Omnitrust – data integrity and 21CFR compliant platform – can help you ensure your data is compliant