Improving your phase analysis and profile fitting


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00:00:00 Good quality data requirements
00:10:49 Proper instrument configuration
00:29:30 Data interpretation using HighScore software
00:40:42 Pattern treatment
00:41:56 Background determination
00:43:02 Peak search
00:46:57 Profile fitting
00:51:55 Crystallite size
00:54:52 Single line method
00:55:17 Multiple peak profile: Williamson-Hall plot
00:56:21 Peak labelling
00:57:03 Other treatment options
01:01:59 XRD software and diffractometers
01:03:46 Q & A

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is the only laboratory technique that reveals structural information, such as chemical composition, crystal structure, crystallite size, strain, preferred orientation and layer thickness. Materials researchers therefore use XRD to analyze a wide range of materials, from powder X-ray diffraction (XRPD) to solids, thin films and nanomaterials.

But what makes a good XRD pattern? How do you know if your peaks have shifted? What if my peaks are broad? What if I am having a high peak to background ratio? This webinar is part of our series of XRD webinars to help you improve your data analysis. In this webinar, our application specialist will discuss:

1. Tips for good quality XRD data collection
2. What makes a good vs bad XRD pattern 
3. How to analyse using Malvern Panalytical’s HighScore Plus software
4. Basic profile fitting options to get accurate peak parameters
5. how to perform phase identification and quantification analysis  

Join our free series of webinars: "Better XRD data analysis and interpretation for materials characterization":
- Webinar 1: Introduction to powder X-ray diffraction.  More info
- Webinar 2: Studying battery cathode materials using X-ray diffraction  More info
- Webinar 3: Expand your powder XRD applications for materials characterization research.  More info
- Webinar 4: Knowing the difference between good and bad data: implications for sampling and collecting good quality data. 
- Webinar 5: Better XRD data quality with good sample preparation. More info 
- Webinar 6: Improving your phase search mapping by defining your elemental range: introduction to elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence.  More info
- Webinar 7: Range of XRD instruments to aid materials characterization research.  More info


Dr Mangesh Mahajan, application specialist for X-ray diffraction with Malvern Panalytical

Dr Mahajan has a Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience in material science from National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, India. For more than 12 years, Dr Mahajan has used multiple characterization techniques for various materials. In 2016, he joined Malvern Panalytical as an application specialist for X-ray diffraction. In his line of work, he has been instrumental in supporting various customers in pharmaceuticals, cements, mining and metal industries, universities, national institutions and more. This spans from advising on applications, experimental set up, samples analysis, proof of concept through to helping clients optimise the use of their XRD instrumentation. 


Who should attend:
• Researchers involved in materials characterization analysis who want to expand their knowledge in X-ray diffraction
• Relevant industries include (but are not limited to) those researching on battery, powder metallurgy, cement, catalysts, specialty chemicals, mining and minerals, environmental monitoring, pharmaceuticals and more
• R and D and manufacturing leaders responsible for appropriate analytics selection
• Scientists engaged in method development for new materials or in supporting root cause analysis investigations in support of product manufacturing

How long is this webinar?
50 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.


Join our free series of webinars: "Better XRD data analysis and interpretation for materials characterization":
- Webinar 1: Introduction to powder X-ray diffraction. More info
- Webinar 2: Studying battery cathode materials using X-ray diffraction More info
- Webinar 3: Expand your powder XRD applications for materials characterization research. More info
- Webinar 4: Knowing the difference between good and bad data: implications for sampling and collecting good quality data.
- Webinar 5: Grinding and how particle size affects data accuracy in XRD analysis. More info
- Webinar 6: Improving your phase search mapping by defining your elemental range: introduction to elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence. More info
- Webinar 7: Range of XRD instruments to aid materials characterization research. More info