Viscotek GPCmax user manual (English)
版本号: MAN0421-1-0
See our latest multi-detector GPC/SEC system, OMNISEC. Learn more
Learn moreWe would like to inform you that the Viscotek GPC / SEC systems reached end of manufacture in 2020.
We would now like to direct you to OMNISEC, the world’s most advanced multi-detector GPC/SEC system.
版本号: MAN0421-1-0
版本号: MAN0422-03-EN-00
Please contact support for the latest software version.
当您购买了马尔文帕纳科的产品,我们明白,这仅是建立工作关系的第一步,而这种关系将伴随产品的整个使用寿命。 有些客户只需要偶尔询问一个问题或下载软件进行升级,而有些客户则需要具有优先急修服务及固定拥有成本的综合性服务合同。 无论您身处何处,马尔文帕纳科将及时为您提供服务。