Super Sharp Tube (SST)

Super Sharp Tube (SST) for XRF Spectrometer

The Super Sharp Tube (SST) is a high power metal-ceramic end window tube, designed and optimized for Malvern Panalytical's high-end XRF spectrometer series Axios, MagiX FAST, PW2830 and their predecessors, MagiX PRO, MagiX, PW2404, PW2400, PW2606, PW2600 and PW2800

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High overall intensity and light element performance 

The SST has a high overall intensity and a superior performance on light elements, due to: 

  • Close optical coupling with sharp tube nose 
  • High tube power (1 - 4kW versions) 
  • High emission current (up to 125mA) 
  • Thin beryllium window (75 µm) Various anode types available

Long tube life and high stability 

The design of the SST tube is based on ceramic technology and proven cathode technology. This ensures high short-term stability of X-ray output and long tube life.