Join us to learn how to assess the quality of your data collected on the Zetasizer Advance instrument. Together we will go through real examples of data from particle size measurements that use Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and zeta potential measurements obtained with Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS) assessing data quality and sharing tips on how to improve confidence in the results.
- Hannah Buckland - Application Scientist, Malvern Panalytical
Who should attend?
- Scientists and researchers interested in improving confidence in their Zetasizer Advance methods and results
- Anyone working in the pharmaceutical industry with an interest in particle size and product stability
- Compliance officers who are looking to better understand critical quality parameters
What will you learn?
- How to interpret the data and results collected with a Zetasizer Advance instrument
- Learn how to recognize good or poor data quality and practical solutions to troubleshoot and improve your measurements on the Zetasizer Advance
- Become confident using the ZS Xplorer software to interrogate your DLS and ELS data
Unlocking Pharmaceutical Success with Zetasizer: Practical Insights & Key Considerations Webinar Series
Our Zetasizer Masterclass series is back for a second edition!
After the success of Edition 1 of our Zetasizer Masterclass webinar series “Best Practice for Method Development in Pharma QC”, we’re BACK to bring you even more insights into DLS and zeta potential analysis. Join us to learn about:
- Method development for DLS and zeta potential analysis
- The practical implications of USP 430 and 432
- Troubleshooting issues – with real examples from users
- DLS and Zeta potential method development with practical examples - 1 October
- Practical implications of USP 430 - 31 October
- Practical Implications of USP 432 for zeta potential measurements of pharma samples - 26 November
- Zetasizer - Troubleshooting examples from customers - 3 December (this event)