Improve the whiteness and brightness of titanium dioxide and other pigments for your paints, pigments, plastics (Mandarin language)


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(This webinar will be conducted in Mandarin)

Titanium dioxide is a white pigment used in paints, pigments, plastics and various other specialty chemicals. It is preferred over other pigments like zinc oxide. Why? Because of its ability to give whiteness as well as hiding power or opacity to coatings. This is due to its properties of not absorbing visible light as well as its high refractive index. Titanium dioxide is however an expensive pigment and hence manufacturers need to carefully optimize it. Additionally, in terms of crystal structures TiO2 exists in two most common forms as anatase and rutile. In the pigment industry, the more stable and durable rutile is preferred since it scatters light more effectively than the counterpart anatase.

During this webinar, we share about some tips that manufacturers can engage to fully optimize their use of their pigments for high performance products. Our application specialist will draw reference to pigments such as titanium dioxide as well as other organic pigments.
1. How to check for agglomerations and ensure separation of titanium dioxide pigment particles: remember that the pigment scatters light most efficiently when all particles are separated and well dispersed
2. Monitoring the particle size of TiO2 pigments: Size affects the opacity (scattering) behaviour of the paint
3. Glossiness and durability: Maintaining a small particle size prevents against weathering. This is since coatings consisting of large particles or agglomerates can be more easily dislodged, resulting in the surface rapidly losing its gloss.
4. Anatase or Rutile:  using X-ray diffraction technique to distinguish the crystallographic structure differences as well as quantifying the amount of each specific mineral automatically.

Join our free series of applications based and data analysis related webinars:
- Webinar 1: Improving the whiteness and brightness of expensive pigments like titanium dioxide for your paints, pigments, plastics 
- Webinar 2: Introduction to crystal structure and phase analysis using X-ray diffraction. More info  
- Webinar 3: Particle size distribution data interpretation and analysis using laser diffraction. More info
- Webinar 4: Particle size distribution analysis: method development workflow. More info


二氧化鈦(Titanium dioxide)俗稱鈦白粉,被廣泛用於提供白色的產品中,如油漆、顏料、塑料、牙膏和化妝品等等,由於其不吸收可見光和高折射率的特性,而有非常優秀的遮蔽能力,此特性使二氧化鈦在做為白色色粉的化學原料(氧化鋅、碳酸鉛)中更被偏好,然而,二氧化鈦是相當昂貴的,所以分析二氧化鈦的特性來優化它的表現能力對於製造商來說格外重要。另外,最通常情況下二氧化鈦以銳鈦礦(anatase)與金紅石(rutile)的晶體結構存在。但是由於有更好與耐久度,金紅石做為白色色粉受到更好的偏好。


1. 如何檢查結塊並確保色粉顆粒分明:當所有顆粒都分離且分散均勻時,色粉的散射光效率最佳。

2. 監測二氧化鈦的粒徑大小:粒徑會影響顏料的不透明度(散射的行為)。

3. 如何維持光澤度和耐久度:大顆粒或團塊組成的塗層較易脫落,導致表面迅速失去光澤,保持較小的粒徑可防止風化。

4. 如何確定是銳鈦礦還是金紅石: 晶體屬性決定其對應的物理效能。通過X射線衍射 (XRD)來自動化快速定相定量分析物體晶體屬性。


Dr Bao ZhaoHui(鲍朝辉), Senior X-ray Diffraction, Applications Specialist at Malvern Panalytical

Dr. Zhaohui Bao has been working at Malvern Panalytical's application center in the Netherlands for more than 7 years. He has extensive experiences in research and development on X-ray diffraction (XRD).  The XRD technique can be used to identify and quantify materials based on their crystal structure or to check for phase changes or evolvement of the material under pressure, temperature, humidity changes.  ZhaoHui completed his PhD in Materials Science at the Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France. He carried out his PhD fellowship at the European Commission in Germany where he focused on developing and characterizing epitaxial oxide thin films. In this webinar, Zhaohui will focus on how to identify materials quality in industrial process or research environment using XRD techniques.

鮑朝輝博士從2013年在荷蘭Malvern Panalytical的全球應用中心從事關於X射線衍射(XRD)研發與應用工作。 XRD測量方法可以根據材料的晶體結構來識別和量化材料成份。它可以在常溫或者在有壓力,溫度,濕度變化下檢測相變或材料的完整性與成份變化。

鮑博士在法國格勒諾布爾國家理工大學獲得了材料科學博士學位並在德國的歐洲委員會(European Commission)獨有實驗室開發和研究外延氧化物材料。在這次的網絡會議,鮑博士會使用XRD測量方法展示怎麼樣更加全面化的提高工業材料質量與研究方法。

Joy Tu(杜盈馨), Scientific Instrumentation, Technical Sales Supervisor at DKSH

Ms Tu has been working at DKSH's scientific instrumentation department in Taiwan for the past 7 years. She is responsible for particle size analytical solutions. As part of her role, she actively listens to customer needs, forming that communication bridge between customers and Malvern Panalytical. As a result, she is one of the most popular sales engineers at DKSH. In addition to her outstanding communication skills, she is experienced in various applications concerning particle size analysis; from specialty chemicals to pigments to pharmaceuticals and more. Ms. Tu achieved her master’s degree in materials chemistry at Chang Gung University and has conducted deep research on polymer in her career path. For this webinar, Ms. Tu is going to apply her expertise and knowledge to share how particle size can be used to improve the whiteness and whiteness of titanium dioxide.

杜盈馨主任在Malvern Panalytical在台灣的代理商 - DKSH負責粒徑分析儀已超7年,在這7年間,她仔細聆聽客戶的需求、在客戶與Malvern Panalytical之間來回溝通、用心提供客戶最佳的實驗室解決方案,在DKSH科學儀器部是最受歡迎的業務工程師之一。



Who should attend:
1. Researchers interested to improve their formula mix
2. Process managers who want to optimize their raw materials and additives
3. Anyone keen to learn about the applications of particle size for their industrial use or research

How long is this webinar?
50 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.


Join our free series of applications based and data analysis related webinars:
- Webinar 1: Improving the whiteness and brightness of expensive pigments like titanium dioxide for your paints, pigments, plastics
- Webinar 2: Introduction to crystal structure and phase analysis using X-ray diffraction. More info 
- Webinar 3: Particle size distribution data interpretation and analysis using laser diffraction. More info
- Webinar 4: Particle size distribution analysis: method development workflow. More info