Zetasizer Nano S/ZS Specifications Maximum Concentration Limit for Size 40% w/v

This technical note contains details of the procedures and results from measurements of a nominally 100nm silica suspension at a concentration of 40%w/v as demonstration of the maximum concentration limit for size of the Zetasizer Nano S and ZS


For the Zetasizer Nano S or ZS instrument, the maximum concentration specification for size measurements is 40% w/v. This technical note contains details of the experimental procedures and results obtained from measurements of a nominally 100nm silica suspension at a concentration of 40%w/v as demonstration of this maximum concentration limit.



  • 40% w/v colloidal silica suspension with a nominal size of 100nm
  • DTS0012 disposable sizing cuvettes


The 40% w/v silica suspension was placed into a DTS0012 disposable sizing cuvette with care being taken to ensure no air bubbles were present. The measurements were taken at 25°C.


The intensity size distributions obtained from 5 repeat measurements of a nominally 100nm silica suspension at a concentration of 40% w/v are shown in figure 1, demonstrating the repeatability of measurement at this concentration.

Figure 2 is an overplot of the correlation functions of these measurements, showing an excellent repeatability and an intercept of 0.77 indicating a good signal and a low probability of multiple scattering which would affect the size measured.

Figure 1: Intensity size distributions obtained from 5 repeat measurements of a nominally 100nm silica suspension at a concentration of 40%
MRK1767 fig1
Figure 2: Correlation functions obtained from 5 repeat measurements of a nominally 100nm silica suspension at a concentration of 40%
MRK1767 fig2


The results reported in this technical note confirm that the maximum concentration specification for size measurements on the Zetasizer Nano S or ZS is 40% w/v.


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