A new Viscotek detector is coming soon…..
Once again, excitement is growing at Malvern Instruments as the time for a new product launch is rapidly approaching! The 25th July 2013 will see the launch of a new addition to our Viscotek GPC/SEC range for molecular weight characterization.
Make sure you take part in our webinar on the 25th July to be the first to discover why Malvern Instruments now offers the best choice of technology for molecular weight characterization by GPC/SEC than any other provider on the the market. You can register for the webinar here.
After launch, we will posting plenty of information about our new product, including brochures, specifications and application notes, so make sure you visit the Malvern website to find out more. We will also be exhibiting at various exhibitions throughout the year, including APME, Euroanalysis, Chem Med and the Baltic Polymer Symposium, where one of our technical specialists will be happy to discuss your application requirements in greater detail.
The new SEC-MALS: More angles, more data, more choice!