Combined elemental XRF and phase XRD analyses of a meteorite.

In this study, small spot analysis and elemental distribution mapping of the Northwest-Africa 2086 (NWA 2086) CV3 meteorite were conducted. Qualitative mapping and semi-quantitative spot elemental composition analyses were compared to phase identification using X-ray diffraction for cross verification. The qualitative mapping results show that elements such as Al and Ca are abundant in the inclusion region while Fe and Cr are more prominent in the meteorite body. Combined XRF analysis and XRD phase identification show the presence of sodalite in addition to variations of olivine, pyroxene, and spinel in the rim and the core of calcium-aluminum rich inclusions (CAIs). The sodalite is an indication of early Na-Cl metasomatic processes in the solar nebula. This study was done to demonstrate the capability of these instruments for evaluation of mineralogy and chemistry of meteorites.


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