Plant Physiology

ASD systems are used to determine plant physiological status, including disease status, nutritional status related to nitrogen uptake and moisture balance. Plant canopy measurements or individual leaf measurements can be made using ASD spectrometers. A variety of analysis approaches have been used to determine relevant plant health indicators. Vegetative indices, multivariate predictive models and multivariate classification models all have been use with success. Spectral data can be obtained either under solar illumination or with artificial light sources. The flexibility of sample accessories provided by ASD systems allows researchers to collect data relevant to their projects.

Examples of ASD instruments used in plant physiology research are listed below.

Physical and Physiological Basis for the Reflectance of Visible and Near-Infrared Radiation from Vegetation, Knipling, USDA, Remote Sensing of the Environment 1 (1970) 155-159,

Use of Vegetative Indices to detect plant diseases -

Detection of Powdery Mildew in Two Winter Wheat Plant Densities and Predition of Grain Yield Using Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance -

Canopy Spectral Characterization of Wheat Stripe Rust in Latent Period -

Non-Invasive Spectral Phenotyping Methods can Improve and AccelerateCercospora Disease Scoring in Sugar Beet Breeding -

ASD systems are used to determine plant physiological status, including disease status, nutritional status related to nitrogen uptake and moisture balance. Plant canopy measurements or individual leaf measurements can be made using ASD spectrometers. A variety of analysis approaches have been used to determine relevant plant health indicators. Vegetative indices, multivariate predictive models and multivariate classification models all have been use with success. Spectral data can be obtained either under solar illumination or with artificial light sources. The flexibility of sample accessories provided by ASD systems allows researchers to collect data relevant to their projects.

Examples of ASD instruments used in plant physiology research are listed below.

Physical and Physiological Basis for the Reflectance of Visible and Near-Infrared Radiation from Vegetation, Knipling, USDA, Remote Sensing of the Environment 1 (1970) 155-159,

Use of Vegetative Indices to detect plant diseases -

Detection of Powdery Mildew in Two Winter Wheat Plant Densities and Predition of Grain Yield Using Canopy Hyperspectral Reflectance -

Canopy Spectral Characterization of Wheat Stripe Rust in Latent Period -

Non-Invasive Spectral Phenotyping Methods can Improve and AccelerateCercospora Disease Scoring in Sugar Beet Breeding -


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