Faster, more accurate and deeper insight: How to make the switch to label-free interaction analysis

Conventional bioassays rely on enzyme or fluorescent labels to detect biomolecular interactions, but these traditional approaches come with challenges that can lead to skewed and inaccurate results. Advanced labelfree interaction analysis techniques remove many of these issues. Now, scientists can move beyond the label, getting closer to the sample and monitoring it in real-time to better understand analyte-ligand interactions and unlock deeper insight.

Although label-based detection is needed to monitor some biomolecular interactions, this isn’t the case for many applications. Fast, sensitive, native, and kinetic analysis is now available to most analytical laboratories. This eBook reveals the challenges presented by conventional label-based bioassays and explores how label-free interaction analysis can deliver a world of insight through technology-driven solutions.

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Conventional bioassays rely on enzyme or fluorescent labels to detect biomolecular interactions, but these traditional approaches come with challenges that can lead to skewed and inaccurate results. Advanced labelfree interaction analysis techniques remove many of these issues. Now, scientists can move beyond the label, getting closer to the sample and monitoring it in real-time to better understand analyte-ligand interactions and unlock deeper insight.

Label-free interaction techniques drive:

  • Faster analysis - with fewer sample preparation steps
  • More sensitive analysis - enabling close observation of small and fragment molecules and proteins in complex matrices
  • Kinetic analysis - allowing complete, end-to-end measurement of the analyte as it binds and dissociates from the ligand
  • Native state analysis - without complex purification and enhancement steps

Although label-based detection is needed to monitor some biomolecular interactions, this isn’t the case for many applications. Fast, sensitive, native, and kinetic analysis is now available to most analytical laboratories. This eBook reveals the challenges presented by conventional label-based bioassays and explores how label-free interaction analysis can deliver a world of insight through technology-driven solutions.


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