Unveiling AMASS 2.0 - X-Ray Diffraction Software

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Join us as we introduce AMASS 2.0, the advanced version of our software for analyzing X-ray diffraction and X-ray reflectivity from thin films.

In this session, our expert will unveil the latest capabilities and enhancements packed into AMASS 2.0:

  • Free-Form Analysis Method: Explore our new, powerful tool designed for in-depth analysis of X-ray reflectivity (XRR) data. The free-form analysis is a model-independent algorithm tailored for complex thin films with layer interactions, interdiffusion, oxidation, and more.
  • Combined Fit of Different Measurements: Learn about the enhanced capabilities of AMASS 2.0 with the ability to perform a combined fit of data measured in different ways. This includes scenarios like XRR + XRD, XRD for two different reflections, or even two different wavelengths.
  • Advanced Parameter Linking - Find out how advanced parameter linking may help you to better control the fitting process of XRR or XRD.
  • Extended Peak Search Functionality: Delve into the expanded capabilities of the peak search - the window-based algorithms are now complemented with derivatives-based peak search.
  • Enhanced COM-Interface Functions: Understand the added functions to the Component Object Model (COM). An interface extending the capabilities of AMASS with scripting languages to automate your own complex workflows.
  • Interface Refreshment: Experience a smoother user interface with overall enhancements.

Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your X-ray scattering analysis with AMASS 2.0.


  • Andrey Zameshin - Application Specialist XRD, Malvern Panalytical


Who should attend? 

  • Existing users of Malvern Panalytical instruments, currently using previous versions of AMASS.
  • Scientists and researchers utilizing X-ray reflectivity for complex samples, who may be interested in exploring new and advanced XRR analysis methods.

What will you learn? 

  • Gain insights into the advanced features of AMASS 2.0.
  • Understand the application of the free-form method in XRR analysis and its benefits.
  • Learn how to perform combined fitting for more robust data interpretation.
  • Explore the finer nuances of advanced XRR analysis using Fourier transform.
  • Master the extended peak search capabilities for precise data extraction.
  • Harness the power of an enhanced COM-interface for seamless control.