Particle Size Masterclass: Why measure particle size?


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00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:08 Introduction
00:01:25 Why measure particle size (distribution)?
00:01:39 Abstract
00:01:44 Note in the title…
00:03:38 Why?
00:05:04 Heywood & Scarlett
00:06:12 BS and HH (and Stuart Bark on the LHS)
00:07:03 CQA’s and PFI’s
00:08:14 Critical to performance?
00:09:26 Why? Bulk Properties
00:10:52 Quality by Design
00:11:29 Why?
00:13:18 ‘Sample preparation’
00:15:56 Why?
00:17:20 Why Measure Particle Size?
00:18:10 The complicated picture
00:20:17 The military factor/connection
00:22:32 Battlefield smokes
00:24:09 Fuel droplet injection in jet engines
00:26:27 Insecticide
00:27:33 Sprays and aerosols
00:28:15 Insecticide
00:28:40 Insecticide
00:29:38 Lung entry – therapeutic!
00:30:53 LD50 for Pasteurella tularensis
00:31:46 The importance of aerodynamic diameter
00:32:40 So long thin particles can penetrate the lungs
00:33:32 Forthcoming FDA standard
00:33:51 The dynamic nature of a spray event
00:35:02 Which leads us onto emulsions
00:37:24 Jean-Louis Salager – another gentleman
00:38:25 Andriy Kyrylyuk* – Slide 26
00:39:26 Packing density
00:40:10 Road asphalt applications
00:40:40 Powders – why?
00:42:06 Why solids/powders?
00:42:36 Cement and (1-day) strength
00:43:39 Effect of particle size on tablet strength*
00:44:08 Why doesn’t my toilet fall apart when I sit on it?
00:45:57 Important properties - particle size distribution
00:46:47 Soils & sediments – erosion, permeability etc
00:47:41 Example - paints/coatings
00:48:01 Optical properties
00:49:13 Rubinstein (1981)
00:50:01 Example - pharmaceuticals
00:50:37 Noyes-Whitney
00:50:52 Basic simple equation
00:51:13 Noyes-Whitney (MIT)
00:51:37 Mining and minerals
00:52:18 Size effects at the nanoscale
00:53:05 Let’s not forget nano
00:53:41 Something you may not have thought of
00:54:11 Specification?
00:54:50 USP Workshop in 2010
00:55:26 The 4 Q’s
00:56:01 Summary and advice
00:56:45 Thank you for listening
01:04:37 Thank you for your attention

Too often, the reason for carrying out a particle size distribution analysis is stated as “for QA”, or “I need the numbers”, or “because my boss says so”, or “for characterization”. Often, we can proceed deep into a project, having acquired huge amounts of data, with no real clarity about what is driving the measurement. 

This webinar explores the scientific reasons for performing a particle size distribution measurement, investigates bulk and dispersed particle sizes, and relates these to Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) and Product Performance Indicators (PPIs).   

A product flowability issue is not solved by aggressive dispersion conditions that cannot be mimicked in the plant, as these flow properties are related to the bulk - not dispersed - particle size distribution.  Likewise, relating dissolution and bioavailability is best done on a dispersed sample, as most of the surface area will be available to the external continuous phase.  Understanding the reasons for making such a measurement leads to the setting of reasonable and achievable product specifications that are in line with the required product performance.