Introduction to the total scattering technique and PDF analysis on a multipurpose X-ray diffractometer


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In this webinar we will start with a basic introduction to the total scattering technique and PDF analysis. The pair distribution function (PDF) provides the probability of finding atoms separated by a certain distance; useful information about the long and short range ordering of the atoms in the materials can be extracted from the analysis of the PDF.
The discussion will continue showing the possible hardware configurations using hard radiation on our multipurpose XRD instruments, to conclude with the presentation of several application examples, ranging from disordered crystalline structures, to nanosized and amorphous materials.


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Panelist information:
Marco Sommariva studied Material Science in Milan (Italy), with a thesis on synthesis and characterization of solid electrolytes for lithium batteries. Marco then moved on with a post-doc position at the British ISIS neutron source working on a project about complex hydrides for hydrogen storage, before joining PANalytical in 2011 as Application Specialist XRD, in Almelo (the Netherlands).