10 reasons to use the Zetasizer Nano to measure size


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00:00:00 10 benefits of using a Zetasizer Nano to measure your sample - SIZE -
00:00:17 1. Wide size range
00:01:24 2. Wide concentration range
00:01:57 3. Wide range of samples
00:02:23 4. The most widely used DLS size system
00:03:02 5. Easy to use and flexible software
00:03:35 6. Easy to interpret results
00:04:12 7. More sample studies
00:05:10 8. The flexibility of batch and flow modes
00:05:46 9. Compliance with International standards
00:06:25 10. It’s made by Malvern
This short presentation describes the ten main reasons for using the Zetasizer Nano for your colloid, nanoparticle and protein size measurements