Jenny Burt, Ph.D

Applications Specialist

对于 Jenny Burt

Dr Jenny Burt is an Applications Scientist based in Malvern in the UK. With over six years’ experience characterizing particle size, particle shape and chemistry across a range of applications, she enjoys showing where the Morphologi and Mastersizer systems can really add value to a process, whether through an Applications study, demonstration, or training.

Jenny Burt


Jenny joined Malvern Panalytical in 2016 after receiving her Ph.D in Chemistry from the University of Southampton in the UK, where she undertook research in the synthesis and characterization of novel coordination complexes. Since then, she has developed expertise in laser diffraction and analytical imaging, supporting and collaborating with a broad range of industries and academia. 

For a flavor of her interests, check out some of Jenny’s blogs on our Materials Talks website
